Questions? Complaints? Concerns?

JANUARY 27, 2010


The regular meeting of the Bay County Road Commission, Road Department, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., at 2600 E. Beaver Road, by the Chairman, Gerald Redmond.

Roll Call: Gerald Redmond, Richard Gromaski, & Edward Rivet

Also present were: Road Commission Representatives: Jim Lillo, Engineer-Manager; Dept. of Water & Sewer Representative: Ken Miller, Director, Bill Schubert and Jim Marter; Supervisors – George Augustyniak, Fraser; Mike Niederquell, Wade-Trim, Inc.; and Jackie McCarthy, Clerk of the Board.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Commissioner Redmond moved to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2010 meeting. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Redmond & Rivet


Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve the installation of Pine Road Sidewalks (south of M-25/Center Avenue), Hampton Township (contingent upon BCRC Indemnity Agreement approval by Hampton Township). Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Redmond, Rivet & Gromaski

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve to extend the 2009 bid prices for completion of Permanent Pavement Markings in 2010 to P.K. Contracting, Inc (formerly Clark Highway Services). Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Redmond

Commissioner Redmond moved to approve a request from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Association to set up and remove barricades on March 21st. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Redmond & Rivet

Mr. Lillo presented a letter from Liquid Calcium Chloride Sales, Inc. requesting to extend their 2009 Chloride pricing, terms and conditions for an additional year. Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve the request. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Redmond, Rivet & Gromaski

Mrs. McCarthy discussed receiving an engagement letter needing a signature from Stewart, Beauvais & Whipple to perform the audit for the year ending December 31, 2009. Chairman is authorized to sign for the Board. Commissioner Rivet moved to approve. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Redmond, Rivet & Gromaski
Commissioner Redmond moved to approve payroll for the period of 1/02/10 through 1/15/10 in the amount of $129,108.81. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Redmond

Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve bills in the amount of $219,592.53. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Redmond, Rivet & Gromaski

Commissioner Redmond moved to approve permits 10-008 through 10-016. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Redmond

Engineer-Manager’s Report – Kinney Road Bridge update – Building Better Local Roads draft discussed – Gas tax increase bills to be considered by State House and letter being sent requesting support – 2/10 Frankenlust Township Hall (2-4 & 5-7) open house by MDOT regarding M-84 project – Jobs for Main Street program; short deadlines may not benefit us – Overtime reports – Wade-Trim invoice for Wilder Road concrete repairs came in under budget – Interest increase in BCBS saving due to switch to Bay County. BCBS refund of $83,000 received and rates to be reviewed at the end of February – Blue Water Meeting at Doubletree at 10:00 a.m. on 1/28.

There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivet moved to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 9:40 a.m. 
Yeas: Gromaski, Redmond & Rivet

Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by:

Jackie McCarthy Gerald M. Redmond
Clerk of the Board Chairman of the Board