Questions? Complaints? Concerns?

JANUARY 26, 2011

The regular meeting of the Bay County Road Commission, Road Department, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., at 2600 E. Beaver Road, by the Chairman, Richard Gromaski.

Roll Call: Richard Gromaski, Edward Rivet & Michael Rivard

Also present were: Road Commission Representatives: Jim Lillo, Engineer-Manager; and Randy Frederick, General Superintendent; Dept. of Water & Sewer Representative: Paul Colbeck, Water Superintendent, Jim Marter, Accounting Manager, Ed Carstens; Supervisors – George Augustyniak, Fraser; Mike Niederquell, Wade-Trim, Inc; and Jackie McCarthy, Clerk of the Board.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2011 meeting. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

PUBLIC INPUT – M. Niederquell mentioned possible legislative change for street sign requirements

Commissioner Gromaski moved to table resolution to eliminate the Supervisory & Administrative Personnel, Class II group within the Bay County Retirement system until more research is done. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve Bit-Mat Products to extend their Asphalt Emulsion Bid prices through 2011. Materials will meet MDOT Specifications. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard, Rivet & Gromaski

Mr. Lillo discussed the 2011 Building Better Local Roads Program. Commissioner Rivet moved to receive a draft document for review. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve a request from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Association to set up and remove barricades on March 20th. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve Agreement #R-2011-01, with McDowell Construction, L.L.C. for work on the Timber Bridge on Kinney Road over the Constant-DuRussell Drain. The Chairman and the Clerk are authorized to sign for the Board. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve payroll for the period of 1/1/11 through 1/14/11 in the amount of $130,229.30. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve bills in the amount of $242,612.63. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve permits 11-003 through 11-013. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard

Engineer-Manager’s Report – J. Lillo employment contract discussed; expired 12/31/10 and requested an executive discussion on 2/9/11 – Overtime report – Kinney Road bridge status – Midland Road project status – Lawrence Tech conference today on different road repair options; C. Wale is attending – Quarterly Blue Water Meeting 1/27/11 in Bad Axe – Traffic signals needing repair.

There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivard moved to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 9:52 a.m. 
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard


Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by:


Jackie McCarthy Richard S. Gromaski
Clerk of the Board Chairman of the Board