Questions? Complaints? Concerns?

FEBRUARY 19, 2014


The regular meeting of the Bay County Road Commission, Road Department, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., at 2600 E. Beaver Road, by the Chairman, Richard Gromaski.

Roll Call: Edward Rivet & Michael Rivard

Excused: Richard Gromaski

Also present were: Road Commission Representatives: Jim Lillo, Engineer-Manager; Cory Wale, Assistant Engineer; and Tom Kramer General Superintendent; Dept. of Water & Sewer Representatives: Thomas Paige, Director; Supervisors – Terry Watson, Bangor; Ronald Robbins, Beaver; Mark Galus, Fraser; Laura Reynolds, Gibson; Dennis Bragiel, Kawkawlin; Gary Brandt, Monitor; George Augustyniak, Fraser Township Trustee; Erich Smith and Rachel Phillips, Wade-Trim, Inc.; and Danean Wright, Clerk of the Board.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Commissioner Rivard moved to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2014 meeting. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet & Rivard


Commissioner Rivet moved to approve County Traffic Control Order #13-14-1 for temporary “No Parking” signs on Johnson Street, 25th and 26th Street, June 24th – June 30th in conjunction with the St. Stanislaus Polish Festival. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote: Yeas: Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Rivard moved to approve the Commercial Drive Access Request for Auburn East Assisted Living in Williams Township. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote: Yeas: Rivet & Rivard

Commissioner Rivard moved to approve to adopt Performance Resolution for MDOT Annual Permit. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet & Rivard

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve payroll for the period of 1/25/14 through 2/7/14 in the amount of $168,119.81. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Rivard moved to approve bills in the amount of $445,366.93. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet & Rivard

Commissioner Rivet moved to approve permits 14-021 through 14-022. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard & Rivet

Commissioner Rivet moved to receive credit card report. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard & Rivet

Engineer-Manager’s Report – Discussed OT Report and salt inventory – Credit card report – MTF – Cash Flow projection – February 21st letting for North Union – Salzburg & 11 Mile scheduled for April/May letting – Lauria Road & Euclid Avenue meeting on March 4th; postcards mailed either 2/19 or 2/20.


There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivard moved to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 9:34 a.m.: Yeas: Rivet & Rivard

Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by:
Danean Wright Richard S. Gromaski
Clerk of the Board Chairman of the Board