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APRIL 14, 2011 Special Meeting

The special meeting of the Bay County Road Commission, Road Department, was called to order at 2:00 p.m., at 2600 E. Beaver Road, by the Chairman, Richard Gromaski.

Roll Call: Richard Gromaski, Edward Rivet & Michael Rivard

Also present were: Road Commission Representatives: Jim Lillo, Engineer-Manager; and Randy Frederick, General Superintendent; Dept. of Water & Sewer Representative: Thomas Paige, Director, Jim Marter, Accounting Manager; Saginaw Bay Underwriters: David Haag, James C. Lillo, P.E. McGuinness and Vicki Szunko; EHIM: Donnovan Shaya; and Jackie McCarthy, Clerk of the Board.

Healthcare Discussion – SBU role was discussed by James McGuinness. EHIM pharmacy management was discussed by Donnovan Shaya.

Commissioner Gromaski moved to change our health insurance agent to Saginaw Bay Underwriters based upon the recommendation of BCRC Management and DWS Management. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivard moved to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 4:00 p.m. 
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet

Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by:


Jackie McCarthy Richard S. Gromaski
Clerk of the Board Chairman of the Board